Wednesday, July 19, 2006


okay i have to give a shout out to habib hayati who helped me with the spelling of my blog -yes, i am serious.

ok, so i was checking out samira's blog today and i noticed she had a link to many blogs including one that said something like "soon to blog." she outted me!!! lol, so now i must write out of complete embarassment of my own retardedness for starting, but never actually writing in my blog. honestly, i do not have anything interesting to say, and i am rather surprised that you are still reading this. so, i will try to make it worthwhile. just so you know, i am just gonna write and post. no grammar or spell checks. NUTHIN. so please feel free to correct me all you want, i do not care.

with that said, i started working at the department of human services this summer. which so far has been an amazing experience. i am working on a project that will enhance cultural competency in nursing facilities in minnesota. that is an extremely short description. i guess i realized what i want to do and what i do not want to do. ultimately, i would love to work for an international organization such as the WHO on health policy reform for developing countries. but, if that does not work out you will probably find me working on issues that deal with reducing health disparities. allahu alim.

so anyway, i was talking to one of my co-workers the other day. and i have to say, i was annoyed. we were talking about what we wanted to do with our lives. and i told him what my interests are. however, when we finally got to the issue of marriage, i told him that i would like to stay home with my kids. ooooh let me tell you, apparently staying at home is some alien concept, because that is not what he wanted to hear. lol. he basically did not understand why i was getting a master's degree. "you should not waste what you are doing." okkaaaaaaaay, i did not know that it was either or? you know what i mean. i have nothing against a working mother, and i would probably work when my kids are older. but, if it is possible, economically and what not, then this girl will be staying at home. it seems like nowadays, staying at home is the uncool and unexpected thing to do. but there is nothing like a mother's love and guidance. i think what annoyed me the most is the idea that my education would be a waste. what is that? no education is a waste. and thinking about the aforementioned statement of my coworker more closely, do people think that stay at home mothers are uneducated? i don't even wanna go there, it was just a thought. ok, i am done venting. until next time...


Samira said...

INDEED until next time!!! Aliyah you're AWESOME! I will now proceed to change your nickname to "Now Blogging" and this will remain until you have put forth enough posts to earn a more profound nickname...okay, so knowing you, you probably don't care, and this is just some game in my head...but hey, it worked once!

And excellent post--totally you :) Also, that staying at home idea while working on your education until totally makes sense to me. I mean, what kind of mother wouldn't try her best to give time and really everything she has to making sure she's raising her children in the best way possible? I think I would only not do so if there was some dire need for me to also be doing something else, but then I would probably wait to have kids later anyway...I think you're totally on track with this idea. It only makes sense.

Sslambs neoblogger (wait, that's a better nickname...)

murmy said...

thanks for the shout out homeskillet!

and now i will actually read the post..haha!

Ayah said...


How weird-- I was just thinking 2 nigths ago about how you should have a blog and how interesting it would be. YAY!

About the whole stay at home mom thing: I think that stay at home moms MUST be educated and to the highest degree. Uneducated mothers have a lot harder time raising their children and dealing with their issues. Especially in this world that is changing ever 4 seconds, you need to be as informed as possible. Don't listen to that guy!!

PS I would love to just stay home and write all day when I'm married.

PPS. I LOVE the blog name "AliyahAliOxenFree" LOOOOL! You had me rollin', LollDoll.

murmy said...

hi aliyah.

i read the post, and your co-worker is a poo. the notion of a stay at home mom being assumedly uneducated is really interesting, i never thought about it that way. so did you know that it was calculated how much a mom should earn based on what she does 24/7, and did you know it was something like $400,000 a year? so yeah, take that co-worker. and besides, only parents are to blame for crappy kids, so i wouldn't take the risk of prioritizing incorrectly. mad props.

p.s. i will NOT break our oath of blogging how we speak in real life! you have my word friend.