Friday, November 24, 2006

detachment is apathy. do you care?

do you ever feel like you have completely lost yourself. somewhere. somehow. you are just gone. or do you ever feel like you have so much to say, but cannot properly articulate yourself. i think this is why i have not posted in a while. it's kind of funny how life pans out, i mean really. and you just have to be ready for it -obstacles and all. anyway...

recently, i have become extremely wary of the human race. i think i must have been in a whole different world prior to the last two years of my life, because back then my world view was all lollipops and daisys. or whatever. now, i have thrown away my naivety for reality, maybe pessimism, i will leave that for you to decide. but seriously, you look at what is going on around the world and wonder how people can sleep at night when there exists poverty, genocide, war, and hunger. you have to wonder how people can wake up every morning and look at themselves in the mirror knowing they did nothing, not one thing that enhanced the state of humankind. i think it was quoted best in hotel rwanda when paul comments to jack about how people will do something to stop the genocide once they see the footage, and jack says in response:

"I think if people see this footage, they'll say Oh, my God, that's horrible. And then they'll go on eating their dinners."

this is by far one of the most powerful lines i have ever heard said in a movie because it is so true. i mean think about it. when you watch the news or hear about any sort of human suffering, you may feel sad for the concerned individual or population, but do you really give it a second thought? or does it inspire you to make change? but i honestly wonder where this detachment from the world came from, especially, here in the united states. why are people unaware of the human suffering that exists in the world around them? and if they do, do they know the extent? OR do they even care to know? i can only speculate that it has to do with the individualistic nature of its' society, but that is just my opinion. in all actuality, we should be speaking out for the weak. we should be supporting those in need. we should denounce all the human rights violations that are clearly being committed, mostly by self-interested super powers, around the world. it makes me nauseous.

i say all this, shamefully finding myself in the category of "having done next to nothing" to assist those who are weak, suffering, and hungry. so, i ask you, what have you done?

please dont become a victim of apathy.

1 comment:

Samira said...

Your articulation--it was nice to read, not because it's the first time any of us have felt frustrated by a world that seems unsolvable and written about it; The fact that you posted this shows your lack of apathy, and as you seemed to set out to do, it does remind us to work towards change rather than settle with a kind of hopeless resignation (which, in actuality, is a kind of convenience we afford ourselves).

...Hotel Rwanda: I totally felt guilty at the end of that film when they said that--it's so true, sadly.

And it is wonderful to read what you have to share--JAKs for posting (finally...again)!
